Jul 22, 2017
One of the saddest realities of human existence is the fact that so many people carry around the unbearable weight of guilt from past mistakes.
The existence of guilt is one of the primary reasons psychologists, counselors, therapists, physicians, pharmacists, and florists stay perpetually busy. People all around the world seek to assuage their guilt through so many things and yet, for the most part, people remain locked in the grip of either 'guilt' itself... or the toxins and captors that promised freedom from guilt.
I doubt if this is overstated.
People truly are riddled with guilt from past mistakes and besetting sins from which they just can't get free.
It's really, really, really time for that to end. But it isn't automatic. Freedom from the pain of guilt is available to all, but receiving such freedom (emancipation, really) comes on God's terms, not ours.
For a person, any person, who wants to truly be free... freedom awaits. But the process of being forgiven cannot be short-circuited, otherwise we remain in its suffocating grip.
In this important podcast episode, we will explore what I believe are the six scriptural principles of freedom from guilt. And failure to comply with these six principles is "Why You Still Feel Guilty."
Let's explore them together. You can also find a video version of this discussion, given in a Facebook LIVE event in July 2017 (possibly available for a limited time) at www.podcastseminary.online or www.facebook.com/podcastseminary.
My prayer is that you are ready to surrender to these divine
truths from the pages of scripture, and finally be free. Come
experience freedom from guilt through confession, and by
acknowledging truth, all of which will help your conscience and
heart come to terms with the past.