May 21, 2017
Today's question is, "What do Mature Christians do in order to become "Mature Christians?"
Most of those we know who have made great progress in the Christian life have done so in the secret place of the heart. Spiritual Giants aren't made on stage or under the spotlights; they are hewn from the Rock of Ages in secret.
For this reason, the secretive and private process of spiritual growth and personal metamorphosis, Christian maturity is sometimes misunderstood and remains a mystery.
In this episode of Podcast Seminary, we'll learn that, to be transformed, we must be intentional and deliberate. Transformation is not accidental. It isn't happenstance. It is the result of a process of working with God in His effort to shape you and form you.
When we cooperate with God, our growth comes easier and more quickly. When we resist and resent God's work in our lives, our spiritual growth is sluggish, uneven, and frustrating.
In Episode 004 of Podcast Seminary, our Dean, Dr. Freddy Cardoza unpacks Five Keys to Christian Maturity, which are:
During this discussion, we'll explore some of the wisdom of Solomon, the great king of the Nation of Israel, among other people and passages in scripture.
Thank you for sharing your time with us and joining in this effort to take responsibility for your own discipleship. That's honorable, and we respect that.
Podcast Seminary's 9 Essential Areas of Discipleship
Incidentally, this episode falls in one of the nine essential categories we have identified as being critical for renewing your mind. This episode is categorized as a "Formation" episode, which is Category 2 in our discipleship model. Here are the categories we are building content to help you develop a balanced life and powerful faith.
Look for future episodes of Podcast Seminary, as we work to provide resources that equip you with the tools you need to grow in your faith.
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