Jul 30, 2017
John of the Cross was a friar who was an important faith leader in the 1500s, following the Protestant Reformation. He was known for his deep insight into the human psyche and his ability to perceive the condition of the soul.
In this amazing work, the Dark Night of the Soul, John got a glimpse into the depths of the...
Jul 24, 2017
Join guest host, Pastor Rob Fultz, currently Pastor, Saddleback Church, Corona, Campus (California USA), as he presents a men's session entitled, Into the Grey
Jul 22, 2017
One of the saddest realities of human existence is the fact that so many people carry around the unbearable weight of guilt from past mistakes.
The existence of guilt is one of the primary reasons psychologists, counselors, therapists, physicians, pharmacists, and florists stay perpetually busy. People all around the...
Jul 21, 2017
Lots of people wonder how to do it, but never ask.
Now that tens of millions listen to podcasts weekly, it's time for "knowing how to subscribe to and play podcasts" to become common cultural knowledge.
Just like everyone knows how to use a QWERTY keyboard, create a PowerPoint, or download an app, it's necessary in...
Jul 17, 2017
“We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts”
-A. W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God
When we speak about God’s hiddenness, we’re speaking about what the Latins called “Deus Absconditus,” The Hidden God.
There are times in the...